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News > School Updates > St Margaret's Giving Day

St Margaret's Giving Day

On Wednesday 22 May, we will host our fifth annual Giving Day, and your donation to the St Margaret’s Foundation will give every girl every opportunity to grow.

On Wednesday 22 May, we will host our fifth annual Giving Day, and your donation to the St Margaret’s Foundation will give every girl every opportunity to grow.

This year, a donation to the Building Fund will support the restoration of Community House – a beautiful heritage listed building on our Ascot campus – the very first building the Sisters of the Society of the Sacred Advent (SSA) purchased for what would become one of Queensland’s leading schools. It is from these foundations that St Margaret’s flourished; sadly, however, this grand building has been underutilised since 2016.

Appropriately, once restored, Community House will become a student wellbeing centre; a faithful application of the Sisters’ philosophy to educate and care for the whole child. The building will house the school psychologists and chaplain and become the centre of many student wellbeing activities. In addition, a dedicated space will honour the legacy of the SSA.

Giving Day will also raise funds for the Foundation’s bursary program. A donation to our Scholarship Fund will provide needs-based bursaries to support young women to access or complete a St Margaret’s education – an opportunity that some girls believed would never be possible.

Watch our 2024 Giving Day video, learn more about our priorities and make a donation online via the Giving Day platform:

St Margaret’s students and staff have planned some exciting fundraising initiatives to take place on Wednesday 22 May to support this Giving Day, and in celebrating house spirit, we will be recognising the house with the best participation and most funds raised. When you donate, don't forget to nominate your house!

The Arts Centre Foyer on campus will be the site of our Giving Day Operations Room on the day. If you would like to help us on the phones with calling members of our community to spread the word about Giving Day, please complete our Volunteer sign-up form at

We sincerely thank those within our community who have already generously given in support of this campaign.

Please join with us on Giving Day, and together, let’s give every girl every opportunity to grow.

Georgia Mitchell
Acting Director of Philanthropy and Stakeholder Engagement

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St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School
11 Petrie Street
Ascot, QLD, 4007

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Phone: +61 7 3862 0777
Fax: + 61 7 3862 0701
Open: 8am – 4pm (Mon – Fri)


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